2021 International Environmental Issues and Education Workshop

永續理念Sustainability • 臺灣經驗Taiwan's Experience • 世界實踐Global Practice
Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development

【活動目的 Purpose of the Program】
The 2-day training program aims to uphold the principle of global vision and local action as well as strengthen Taiwan’s role at the forefront of environmental education in the Asia-Pacific region. Aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), the program serves as a starting point to understand various environmental problems and threats faced locally and globally, and seeks to inspire potential solutions for environmental problems.

In line with the spirit of the 2020 International Environmental Issues and Education Workshop(IEIE), the theme for this year’s program is Marine Debris. Participants of the program will be comprised mostly of foreign students currently studying in Taiwan, followed by local university students who are interested in environmental education and lastly, practitioners in the field of environmental education. Local educators and researchers in Taiwan and international students studying in Taiwan can connect with each other, allowing the former to be able to help the latter understand Taiwan’s experience, courses of action, solutions, strategies and feasibility measures when facing issues related to marine debris, all of which can serve as points of reference for other countries in dealing with environmental issues, help expand Taiwan’s influence, and facilitate international cooperation.

【辧理單位 Organizers】
Organized by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (Taiwan EPA)

承辦單位:全球環境教育夥伴亞太中心(GEEP APRC, 由中華民國環境教育學會營運)、環境友善種子有限公司
Implemented by the Global Environmental Education Partnership Asia-Pacific Regional Center (GEEP APRC, operate by Chinese Society for Environmental Education), Friendly Seeds Co., Ltd

【活動梯次及日期 Program Classes】

There are 2 classes, each lasting 2 days. The schedule is as follows:
• Class A: June 27 (Sunday) to June 28 (Monday) 2021
• Class B: September 11 (Saturday) to September 12 (Sunday) 2021

【活動地點 Venue】

• Lectures and outdoor learning: Heping Island Park in Keelung
• Lectures: Evergreen Laurel Hotel (Keelung), PENG YUAN Keelung

【活動對象 Participants and qualifications】

Foreign students mainly from the Asia-Pacific region or other countries currently studying in Taiwan, local university students interested in environmental education, and practitioners in the field of environmental education. The organizer will review the qualifications of the applicants and admission.
• International tertiary or university students who study in Taiwan in accordance with the provisions under the Ministry of Education’s “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan.”
• Nominees of the First Environmental Protection Youth Leaders Taiwan EPA, or local university students (including graduate students) who are major in environmental departments, or interested in the field of environmental education, will be selected for admission based on their English proficiency (relevant documentary evidence must be submitted)..
• Local environmental education practitioners will be selected for admission based on their English proficiency (relevant documentary evidence must be submitted).
• Priority will be given to students who did not participate in the 2020 International Workshop on Environmental Issues and Education.

【活動人數 Number of Participants】

An estimated 30 international students and 6 local participants will be admitted to each session. Alternative admissions are available depending on the situation. Each person may only participate in one class.

【報名方式及時間 Registration and Deadline】
Registration starts on May 5 (Wednesday) and ends on May 25, 2021 (Tuesday). The list of admitted participants will be announced on June 3 (Thursday).

More information :https://reurl.cc/qmW40g

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