趙靜婷 Jing-Ting Jhao
Title Division Director
Phone +886-2-3366-3232~5 ext.17
VOIP +886-2-3366-3366 ext.25660
Email ivyjhao@ntu.edu.tw
Direct and supervise the general affairs of the office
Deputy Hsiao-Ling Hsu、Sih-Wei Chen
徐曉玲Hsiao-Ling Hsu
Title Counselor
Phone 886-2-3366-3232~5 ext.16
VOIP +886-2-3366-3366 ext.27001
Email hsiaoling@ntu.edu.tw
- Outstanding Overseas Chinese Graduate Student Scholarships
- Subsidies for Hong Kong and Macau Student Association activities and related matters
- Hong Kong and Macau freshman enrollment counseling
- Break and Fuse Fest - National Taiwan University World Carnival opening ceremony and food culture exhibition
- Compilation of information for supervisor meetings and academic affairs meetings
- Subsidy for the Farewell Event for Graduating Overseas Chinese Students and Awarding of Certificates of Academic Excellence and Good Performance for Outstanding Graduating Overseas Chinese Students by the Overseas Community Affairs Council
- Spring festival, October celebrations, and Overseas Chinese Festival
- Joint Visit by Relevant Central Agencies to Activities Involving Overseas and Foreign Students
- Questionnaire survey on academic adaptation of overseas Chinese students in the undergraduate program, statistics on leave and dropout of overseas Chinese students, and questionnaire survey on learning and living adaptation of overseas Chinese students
- Student rights and appeals window
- Other miscellaneous temporary assignments
Deputy Sih-Wei Chen、Ling Peng
陳思瑋 Sih-Wei Chen
Title Senior Clerk and Chief of Comprehensive Affairs
Phone +886-2-3366-3232~5 ext.15
VOIP +886-2-3366-3366 ext.25052
Email chensihwei@ntu.edu.tw
Management of funds for the implementation of the Ministry of Education's Overseas Chinese Students Counseling Program
Management and audit of funds for this division
Subsidies and related matters for activities of the Malaysian Students Association
Various scholarships and grants for overseas Chinese students
National Taiwan University Lunar New Year Gathering
Overseas Students Singing competition
Chinese and English language proficiency tests for overseas Chinese students
Subsidies for the Chinese language program for international students to enhance the Chinese language proficiency of overseas Chinese students
Administrative and academic quality evaluations
North region Overseas Student Counseling Work Exchange Platform meeting
Special counseling projects for overseas Chinese students (including budget planning and verification), personnel affairs, and tracking of important meetings
Other comprehensive temporary assignments
Deputy Hsiao-Ling Hsu、Ling Peng
彭琌 Ling Peng
Title Clerk
Phone +88633663232~5 ext.14
VOIP +886-2-3366-3366 ext.26014
Email pengl10614@ntu.edu.tw
Reviewing Financial Aid Applications form Low-to-Middle-Income Overseas Chinese Students
National Taiwan University Financial Aid for Low-to-Middle-Income Overseas Chinese Students
Interviews and evaluations for the Scholarship for Incentive Scholarship Program (Overseas Chinese student)
Counseling and handing case related to Indonesia and Myanmar Student Association ,Counseling Overseas Chinese Graduate Student Association
Assistance for applications, extensions, re-issuance, and emergency entry/exit of residence permits for overseas Chinese students
Organize Overseas Chinese Students orientation
Overseas Chinese Students Farewell Reception
Student Commendation
Fire drill general affair
Contact person for epidemic prevention related works
Other miscellaneous temporary assignments
Deputy Jun-Ming Ho、Sih-Wei Chen
黃以萱 Yi-Shiuan Huang
Title Senior Specialist
Phone +886-2-3366-3232~5 ext.13
VOIP +886-2-3366-3366 ext.26005
Email yishiuanhuang@ntu.edu.tw
Bid for commercial medical insurance for overseas and mainland Chinese students
Verification and submission of commercial medical insurance claims for mainland Chinese students
Subsidies and related matters for activities of the Mainland China Students Association
Mainland Chinese Graduate Student Scholarships
Various scholarships for mainland Chinese students
Orientation for Mainland Chinese Students and related matters
Services for the leave, withdrawal, return, graduation, certificate processing, and family visits of mainland Chinese students
Counseling projects for mainland Chinese students (including budget planning and verification), statistics on leave and withdrawal of mainland Chinese students, and questionnaire surveys on learning and living adaptation of mainland Chinese students
Overseas Chinese and Mainland Chinese Student Service Intelligence Workshop
Property Management
Comprehensive business integration, E-affairs, Chinese and English legal regulations, personal information inventory, website management by the division and Centennial school anniversary events
Other miscellaneous temporary assignments
Deputy Ming-Ming Wu、Jun-Ming Ho
吳敏敏 Ming-Ming Wu
Title Senior Specialist
Phone +886-2-3366-3232~5 ext.12
VOIP +886-2-3366-3366 ext.25222
Email wumm@ntu.edu.tw
Higher Education Sprout Project - Language Learning, Language Proficiency Testing Subsidies, International Exchange Programs, and Budget Control
Overseas Chinese Student Information Management System (including reporting on overseas Chinese students' leaves of absence, withdrawal, re-enrollment, and graduation)
Funding and related matters for the activities of the Overseas Chinese Student Association
Business related to the enrollment of new overseas Chinese students
Health insurance for injuries and illnesses for overseas Chinese students (Overseas Chinese Student Health Insurance)
Commercial medical insurance for overseas Chinese students
National Health Insurance for overseas Chinese students
Overseas Community Affairs Council "i-Compatriot Card" business
Overseas Students Celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival
Hiking Event for Overseas Students
Other miscellaneous temporary assignments
Deputy Yi-Shiuan Huang、Jun-Ming Ho
何浚銘 Jun-Ming Ho
Title Research Assistant
Phone +886-2-3366-3232~5 ext.11
VOIP +886-2-3366-3366 ext.
Email hojunming1998@ntu.edu.tw
DutiesDeputy Ling Peng、Hsiao-Ling Hsu
張白雪 Bai-Xue Zhang
Title Messenger
Phone 02-33663232
Email nacychang@ntu.edu.tw
Documents exchange and delivery
Environmental cleaning
Deputy Jun-Ming Ho