Overseas Chinese Graduate Student Association

Overseas Chinese Graduate Students Association aims to create a community amongst each other to help with problems students may face during their graduate experience in NTU. We aim to strengthen the bonds by creating friendships and trust to help develop onto each individual as they make their way into becoming a part of society.

Name of the event


World Carnival Festival

Booths selling food


Sending off the seniors


Meeting the newcomers


To attract the newcomers


Bowling and interacting

Scholarship program


Explains the process of applying the scholarship program

Voting for new leaders

E-mail: ntuocgs@gmail.com

Malaysia Overseas Chinese Students Association

Name of the Event


Moon festival celebration

 Celebrating the festival and group bonding

Freshmen orientation

Get to know all of the freshmen

NTU anniversary fair

Selling food at the booth and group bonding

Malaysian students performance

A celebration for gathering of all of the Malaysian students

Christmas and winter solstice

Exchanging gifts and enjoy the christmas vibes

Spring Fair with Oversea students in northern Taiwan

A fair held by the Overseas Community Affair Council and Soochow University to sell Malaysian food

Spring field trip

A trip to relieve stress before exams


Going over the agenda for a whole year and electing new leaders


Sending off the seniors


Hong Kong and Macau Student Association

A SA for HK and Macau oversea students

Name of the Event


Picking up the Freshmen

Welcoming the freshmen to NTU and assisting them to complete health checks, bank account set up, registration process, resident permit, resident visa, and helping them to get used to the life at NTU.

Freshmen Orientation

A two days one night camp to let the freshmen get to know their seniors.

Fall Field Trip

Picnic and games

Caritas Hong Kong

Interacting and communicating with Caritas, a charitable organization,  to fight for rights for oversea students at Taiwan

Halloween Party

Group gathering and games


Giving out sweets to students, hoping them to pass their exams

Setting up booths at school fair

Displaying culture and selling food



General meeting &Christmas party

To enjoy the christmas vibes by exchanging gifts and group dining

Setting booths at NTU Azalea Festival

Displaying culture and selling food

Setting booths at NTU carnival festival

Displaying culture and selling food


Reviewing the annual report and electing leaders for the next school year

Sports day for the whole Hongkong and Macau students at northern Taiwan (host)

Sports day competition includes sports such as, badminton, soccer, basketball, volleyball, ping pong, track and field, and more.


Sending off the seniors

Camp training

Getting the staffs for the orientation camp prepared for next year

E-mail: hkmsantu@gmail.com

Mainland China Students Association

Name of the events


NTU Chinese student pickup

To assist the chinese students with a more efficient process of enrolling to the school

Grocery shopping at Carrefour and delivery service

To assist the chinese students to have access to items in a more favorable price

Field trip for NTU chinese students

Facilitate mainland Chinese students' adaptation to the new environment and enhance communication among them.

Recruiting new NTU Chinese students to the association 

Allowing the new students to join the association to share and discuss about their thoughts

Winter Solstice Party

To encourage the Chinese students to interact with each other by celebrating this holiday

Christmas Party

To create New Years vibes and improve the interaction of each grades’ Chinese students


Handover of the association and group bonding. Prediction of the participation members is 100 people.


Prediction of the participation members is 50 people.




A platform to facilitate the cultural exchange of overseas students studying in NTU.

Name of Event
Freshmen Orientation
Welcoming the freshmen to become a member in the OCSA family and dining
OCSA orientation camp
Get to know people in OSCA through playing games, eating barbeque, and other activities.
Halloween Party
Dressing up, dining, and experience with American culture
Outdoor activity
Christmas dinner
Dining, exchange gifts, and make the oversea students feel like they are back home
Spring dining event
Dining and watching performances
World Carnival Festival
Selling worldwide custines and singing KTV
Have fun and interact with other oversea students
Handing over ceremony, sending off the seniors, and dining

E-mail: ntucosa@gmail.com



This club is the place for Indonesian students to gather and do activities to have better relationships

Name of the Event


Meeting up with the freshmen

Picking up the freshmen to NTU and assisting them to complete the registration process, resident permit, resident visa, and other processes.

Orientation camp

Ice breaker, games, barbeque, and performances

Halloween party

Wearing costumes, dining, and minigames

Dining with Indonesian Alumnus

Dining and performances

Booth at NTU Anniversary Celebration

Selling food

Basketball game with oversea students

Basketball game

Christmas Dining

Dining and gift exchange



Myanmar Oversea Chinese Students association provides support for Myanmar students.

Name of the events


Freshmen Orientation

Eating food at a restaurant

NTU anniversary fair

Setting up booth at the fair

Celebration for finishing Midterm Exams and holding NTU anniversary fair

Dining for finishing the midterm exams and reviewing how the fair went

Hiking event

Hiking, lottery picking, and dining

Christmas Party and Finals tutoring section

Eating barbeque

Spring dining event

Being as a part of the staff members

World Carnival Festival

Setting up booth

Election and celebration for finishing midterm exams

Electing new leaders for the next school year

          Finals tutoring section Group dinner

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