2019/11/22 (五)「臺大學生會國際事務部-青年講堂」即日起受理報名

臺大學生會國際事務部 - 青年講堂

活動日期: 2019/11/22 (五)

活動時間: 19:00~21:00 (18:45 入場)

活動地點: 新生103

主題: 外國人在台灣的異國生活和文化交流

報名連結: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVWnnE2f2fkwpb2AD8rcuMj2OTGml0ukzl7xLy87-Wu087SQ/viewform?usp=pp_url


青年講堂 (Teenage Lecture)





講師: 圖佳

語言: 中文


來自土耳其的圖佳來台灣六年了,他不僅在世新大學就讀碩士,更是經營Best of Taiwan 的Youtuber。圖佳能說一口流利的中文,藉由用中文介紹台灣的特色文化、古蹟及各大景點,和在字幕加上土耳其語,他希望能串起台灣與土耳其的交流。


Teenage Lecture

Date: 2019/11/22 (Fri)

Time: 19:00~21:00 (entry at 18:45)

Location: Freshman Classroom Building 103 

Topic: Life as an Expat in Taiwan: The Excitements and Challenges

Sign-up link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVWnnE2f2fkwpb2AD8rcuMj2OTGml0ukzl7xLy87-Wu087SQ/viewform?usp=pp_url 


青年講堂 (Teenage Lecture)


Event introduction :

Recently, more and more foreigners choose to live in Taiwan due to the low cost of living, high level of safety, friendly locals and etc. Apart from these common reasons one might find on the internet, culture plays a big role in attracting foreigners to visit the country, and many decide to stay longer to experience the local life, some even became a Taiwanese resident. This then led to the emergence of the term “new residents” which describes people who are originally from other nations, but either migrated to Taiwan or inter-married with a local Taiwanese. To show a more in-depth Taiwanese culture and experiences, the event invited 1 foreigner who has lived in Taiwan for a long time to share their thoughts about living in Taiwan. Through his talk, you would be able to get a more insider view of life in Taiwan, and hopefully you could consider a longer stay in Taiwan to explore and better understand the country. 

Event details : Lecturer: 圖佳 Language: Chinese


圖佳 is not only a Turk who has come to Taiwan for six years for studying, but also a famous Youtuber whose channel is named Best of Taiwan. He uses his YouTube channel as a platform to introduce Taiwanese culture, food, scenery and historical sites. His YouTube videos take in many forms, and contain various topics that reveal life in Taiwan from multiple aspects. From the videos, one could see his deep awareness of Taiwanese culture and how much he enjoys living in Taiwan. 

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