【 巴里島甘美朗樂舞】免票入場,歡迎各位同學踴躍參加!
* 臺灣首度甘美朗克比亞(Gamelan Gong Kebyar)演出!
* I Nyoman Windha及Didik Nini Thowok兩位國際級大師同臺,合創新作世界首演!
本次邀請到印尼在國際上享有盛名的知名作曲家I Nyoman Windha及其舞蹈家夫人I Gusti Agung Ayu Warsiki,還有印尼家喻戶曉的舞蹈家Didik Nini Thowok等,攜手為觀眾帶來豐富的巴里島甘美朗樂舞饗宴。
地點:國立臺灣大學怡仁堂( 活大禮堂)
------ 購票方式 ------
------ 華麗陣容 ------
I Nyoman Windha(國際著名巴里島作曲家)
Didik Nini Thowok(國際著名中爪哇跨性別舞蹈家)
I Gusti Agung Ayu Warsiki(資深巴里島舞蹈家)
Ni Nyoman Somawati(資深巴里島舞蹈家)
Anastasia Melati(資深中爪哇宮廷舞蹈家)
胡敏德 Made Mantle Hood(國立臺南藝術大學教授)
王櫻芬 Ying-fen Wang(國立臺灣大學特聘教授)
國立臺灣大學/國立臺灣師範大學/國立臺灣科技大學 師生
------ 合作伙伴 ------
Performance Details
Balinese Gamelan Music and Dance
*World-renowned Balinese dancers I Nyoman Windha and Didik Nini Thowok together on stage and present a world premiere performance!
*Taiwan premiere Gamelan Gong Kebyar!
Gamelan is the most representative Indonesian performing music genre, of that, Central Javanese and Balinese are best noted for. Balinese Gamelan music and dance, which has inextricably bonding with local religious life since the ancient times and was constantly growing with full vitality until today, is a paragon of art in which tradition and contemporary composition coexist in symbiotic relationship.
World renowned composer I Nyoman Windha, his wife and prominent dancer and choreographer I Gusti Agung Ayu Warsiki, and well-known dancer and choreographer Didik Nini Thowok are collaborating to exhibit a feast of plentiful Balinese music and dance performance to the audience.
【First Performance】
Music Concert Series, College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University
Time: 14th June 2019, 19:30
Venue: Auditorium (Yi-Ren Hall), 1st Student Activity Center
Address: 1F, 1st Student Activity Center, National Taiwan University
No 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Da’an District, Taipei
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/1181117772093645/
【Second Performance】
Advance Project of Arts Education: International Performing Arts Exchange Program, National Taiwan College of Performing Arts
Time: 15th June 2019, 19:30
Venue: National Taiwan College of Performing Arts Muzha Campus
Address: No. 8-1, Lane 66, Section 3, Muzha Road, Wenshan District, Taipei
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/300386940873882
------ Ticket ------
Free Admission
------ Performers ------
◎Guest Artists
I Nyoman Windha(World Renowned Musician and Composer)
Didik Nini Thowok(World Renowned Central Javanese Dance Artist)
◎Guest Dancers
I Gusti Agung Ayu Warsiki (Experienced Balinese Dance Artist)
Ni Nyoman Somawati (Experienced Balinese Dance Artist)
Anastasia Melati (Experienced Javanese Dance Artist)
◎Accompanied by
NTU Gamelan Ensemble Gita Lestari
◎Directed and Assisted by
Made Mantle Hood (Professor, National Tainan University of the Arts)
Ying-fen Wang (Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University)
◎Ensemble Members
Faculty and Students from National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
------ Organizers ------
Main Organizers:
College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University
Graduate Institute of Musicology, National Taiwan University
NTU System
NTU System Foundation
National Taiwan College of Performing Arts
Co-organizer: NTUCOLA Student Association
* I Nyoman Windha及Didik Nini Thowok兩位國際級大師同臺,合創新作世界首演!
本次邀請到印尼在國際上享有盛名的知名作曲家I Nyoman Windha及其舞蹈家夫人I Gusti Agung Ayu Warsiki,還有印尼家喻戶曉的舞蹈家Didik Nini Thowok等,攜手為觀眾帶來豐富的巴里島甘美朗樂舞饗宴。
地點:國立臺灣大學怡仁堂( 活大禮堂)
------ 購票方式 ------
------ 華麗陣容 ------
I Nyoman Windha(國際著名巴里島作曲家)
Didik Nini Thowok(國際著名中爪哇跨性別舞蹈家)
I Gusti Agung Ayu Warsiki(資深巴里島舞蹈家)
Ni Nyoman Somawati(資深巴里島舞蹈家)
Anastasia Melati(資深中爪哇宮廷舞蹈家)
胡敏德 Made Mantle Hood(國立臺南藝術大學教授)
王櫻芬 Ying-fen Wang(國立臺灣大學特聘教授)
國立臺灣大學/國立臺灣師範大學/國立臺灣科技大學 師生
------ 合作伙伴 ------
Performance Details
Balinese Gamelan Music and Dance
*World-renowned Balinese dancers I Nyoman Windha and Didik Nini Thowok together on stage and present a world premiere performance!
*Taiwan premiere Gamelan Gong Kebyar!
Gamelan is the most representative Indonesian performing music genre, of that, Central Javanese and Balinese are best noted for. Balinese Gamelan music and dance, which has inextricably bonding with local religious life since the ancient times and was constantly growing with full vitality until today, is a paragon of art in which tradition and contemporary composition coexist in symbiotic relationship.
World renowned composer I Nyoman Windha, his wife and prominent dancer and choreographer I Gusti Agung Ayu Warsiki, and well-known dancer and choreographer Didik Nini Thowok are collaborating to exhibit a feast of plentiful Balinese music and dance performance to the audience.
【First Performance】
Music Concert Series, College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University
Time: 14th June 2019, 19:30
Venue: Auditorium (Yi-Ren Hall), 1st Student Activity Center
Address: 1F, 1st Student Activity Center, National Taiwan University
No 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Da’an District, Taipei
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/1181117772093645/
【Second Performance】
Advance Project of Arts Education: International Performing Arts Exchange Program, National Taiwan College of Performing Arts
Time: 15th June 2019, 19:30
Venue: National Taiwan College of Performing Arts Muzha Campus
Address: No. 8-1, Lane 66, Section 3, Muzha Road, Wenshan District, Taipei
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/300386940873882
------ Ticket ------
Free Admission
------ Performers ------
◎Guest Artists
I Nyoman Windha(World Renowned Musician and Composer)
Didik Nini Thowok(World Renowned Central Javanese Dance Artist)
◎Guest Dancers
I Gusti Agung Ayu Warsiki (Experienced Balinese Dance Artist)
Ni Nyoman Somawati (Experienced Balinese Dance Artist)
Anastasia Melati (Experienced Javanese Dance Artist)
◎Accompanied by
NTU Gamelan Ensemble Gita Lestari
◎Directed and Assisted by
Made Mantle Hood (Professor, National Tainan University of the Arts)
Ying-fen Wang (Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University)
◎Ensemble Members
Faculty and Students from National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
------ Organizers ------
Main Organizers:
College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University
Graduate Institute of Musicology, National Taiwan University
NTU System
NTU System Foundation
National Taiwan College of Performing Arts
Co-organizer: NTUCOLA Student Association