【僑陸組】2023「境外生歡聚慶端午」活動即日起開始報名 2023 “Overseas Students Celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival” Event Registration Now Open
※報名時間:即日起至5月31日止(報名額滿將提前關閉表單,謝謝! )
※領餐時間:11:30~13:15 (13:15~13:30 若餐點有剩開放自由領取)
2. 在僑陸組FB粉專「2023境外生歡聚慶端午」貼文留言處,上傳與新認識的朋友(系友、舍胞、現場新朋友等)及端午節有關的物品(香包、粽子等)合照。
3. 並在貼文留言處Tag3位好友「@端端 @午午 @節節 慶端午!」
4. 6/21(三)11:30-13:30至行政大樓第一會議室領取精美小禮品(須出示完成之證明)。
★特別提醒 行政大樓為辦公區域,請保持安靜。
僑生及陸生輔導組 期盼你的參與!
Dear Students,
The annual Dragon Boat Festival is just around the corner! As customary, the Overseas Students Advising Division is preparing delicious rice dumplings and fruit for Overseas Students in Taiwan to taste. International students are also welcome to join us! Students who have successfully registered will receive rice dumplings and fruit on the day of the event, but please note that the quantity is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please come and collect your meal at the designated time (please bring your own bag) or dine in. Students who have successfully registered will receive a confirmation email from the Overseas Students Advising Division before June 2.
※Registration period: from now until May 31. ( The registration form will be closed earlier if the quota is full. Thank you!)
※Registration link: https://forms.gle/1yjkexqiAzqQmi9s5
※Event date: June 21 (Wednesday)
※Meal pick-up location: First Conference Room, Administration Building
※Meal pick-up time: 11:30-13:15 (if there are leftovers, it will be available for pick-up from 13:15-13:30)
"Like and Win Gifts"
To encourage students to make new friends, simply follow the steps below for a chance to win exquisite small gifts!
1. Like the Facebook page of the NTU Overseas Students Advising Division: https://reurl.cc/2L4gpv
2. In the comments section of the "2023 International Students' Dragon Boat Festival Gathering" post on the Overseas Students Advising Division Facebook page, upload a photo of yourself with a new friend you have made (classmate, roommate, new acquaintance, etc.) and items related to the Dragon Boat Festival (sachets, rice dumplings, etc.).
3. Tag three friends in the comments section: "@Duan Duan @Wu Wu @Jie Jie Let's celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival !"
4. On 6/21 (Wednesday), from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, visit the first meeting room of the Administration Building to collect your exquisite small gift (proof of completion must be presented).
★Special reminder
The Administration Building is a work area, so please keep the noise level low.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Overseas Students Advising Division, Office of Student Affairs, NTU