
緬甸腊戌果文中學旅臺校友會「關懷緬甸僑生圓夢助學金」及「關懷緬甸僑生急難救助金」資訊及報名表如附件。 符合助學金申請資格或有急難救助金需求的同學,請依說明提出申請。
Apply for Scholarships and Emergency Funds for Myanmar Overseas Students by Lashio Guowen Secondary School Alumni Association in Taiwan.
The Lashio Guowen Secondary School Alumni Association in Taiwan has released information and application forms for the "Caring for Myanmar Overseas Students' Dreams Scholarship" and the "Caring for Myanmar Overseas Students' Emergency Assistance Fund", which are attached. Students who meet the scholarship application requirements or have emergency assistance needs can apply according to the instructions provided.
If you have any questions, please contact the Secretariat of the Taiwan Guowen Secondary School Alumni Association at (02) 8666-8747.

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