【2022臺大世界嘉年華】實體活動取消通知 On-site Activity Suspension Announcement
2. 4/24(日)僑陸國際生KTV歌唱大賽:
祝 平安健康
國立臺灣大學學生事務處、國際事務處 敬上
【2022 NTU World Carnival】On-site Activity Suspension Announcement
In response to the current spike of COVID 19 cases, NTU World Carnival will be adjusted as follows,
1.April 23rd Opening Ceremony & Multicultural Fair:
The on-site Opening Ceremony & Multicultural Fair is suspended. Students registered for the activity are invited to shoot a short cultural video. The tentative showcase date of the videos on the NTU World Carnival Fan page will be on May 10th.
2.April 24th Singing Contest:
The on-site Singing Contest will be hosted online. The result along with the singing videos and comments from the judges will be available on the NTU Singing Competition Fan page.
Best wishes,
National Taiwan University Office of Students Affairs and Office of International Affairs